Frequently Asked Questions
Do you cover motorcycles on track days?
No I’m afraid Insurers only provide cover for cars on track days and not motorcycles. Please do not request a quote for a motorcycle on a track day via the website, as the quote/policy will not be valid.
Are all damages to my vehicle covered?
Cover is provided for accident damage to your vehicle including the chassis, suspension and all bodywork. The policy excludes consumable items – such as tyres, fluids and brake pads – and excludes internal damage to the engine and gearbox. Therefore if you happened to over-rev the engine and cause damage to this component the policy will not cover the replacement of a new engine, as this would be classed as mechanical breakdown. If however you had an accident and made impact with a wall (for example) and the engine block or gearbox casing are cracked, these would be replaced within your insurance policy.
What if another track day user makes contact with my car, can I still make a claim?
Yes, the policy will cover accident damage to your vehicle whether the accident is caused by you or by another individual on the track.
Will you pay for any damages caused to another vehicle that I make contact with on the track?
Your track day insurance policy will only cover damage to your own vehicle. Track day participants are liable for damage to their own cars (regardless of fault) and sign disclaimers to this effect before going onto the circuit. Participants go on track at their own risk and standard motor insurance conditions do not apply.
Do you cover all circuits?
We can provide quotations for all European circuits. If the circuit isn’t listed on the drop down bar on the quotation page please provide the name of the circuit in the “other” circuit name box.
Do you cover “Touristfahrten” days at Nurburgring Nordschleife?
Yes we can provide a quotation to cover for your car on a Tourist day at Nurburgring.
Will you pay for any damage to the circuit / third party vehicles / property?
The cover provided by Insurers is purely for damage to your car. It does not provide cover for damage to any third party vehicles/property or persons. The only exception to this is for Nurburgring Nordschleife whereby cover is provided within the vehicle track day policy to cover damage to the Armco barriers – see below. There is no third party vehicle / liability insurance cover provided at Nurburgring Nordschleife and we are not aware of a company in the UK that can offer this product at Nurburgring Nordschleife.
Do you cover damage to the Armco barriers at Nuburgring Nordschleife, as I understand I am liable for repair/replacement costs?
Yes you are indeed liable for damage caused to Armco barriers at “The Ring”. Our track day insurance policy for Nurburgring Nordschliefe automatically includes cover for up to £2,000 of costs for the Armco truck attendance plus removal and replacement of Armco. There is an option on the quote request form to increase this sum insured to £4,000 for an additional premium. In order to verify the claim you will need to provide a copy of the invoice from Nurburgring and you will be reimbursed for the costs.
Do you provide quotations for Personal Accident Insurance?
Yes we do, please complete the quote request form. We can provide cover for a single track day with a minimum cost of around £40 per day depending on the cover required. If you are doing 3 or more track days over a 12 month period it would likely be more cost effective to have a multiple event policy. If you have a mortgage it would be worth checking your life insurance policy before taking part in a track day, as your current policy may exclude “hazardous activities” including track days. We can provide death cover for your mortgage amount so that this cover is still in place whilst on your track day. If any of your track days are overseas we can also provide a quote to cover medical or repatriation expenses in the event of an accident that requires hospital treatment.
Can I purchase cover for recovery of my car in the event of mechanical breakdown or impact damage, meaning that I can’t drive the car home?
Yes, you can obtain cover for vehicle recovery from a UK track day as long as you are a UK resident. The track day vehicle quotation system will offer this extra cover for an additional premium if you a UK resident on a UK track day.
If you are unable to drive the car home due to an accident on the track or due to mechanical breakdown on the track, cover is provided to reimburse the call out charge and rescue of the track day vehicle to the policy holder’s address or to a closer drop off point. You will need to provide an invoice from the recovery company to verify the claim, the payout is limited to a maximum of £200.
NB: The Mechanical breakdown element of this cover is only applicable if the vehicle is 8 years old or less. If the vehicle is more than 8 years old, the policy is restricted to cover only in the event that the car suffers accident impact damage and cannot be driven home.
Do you cover additional drivers?
Additional drivers can be covered but they will increase the cost of your insurance and their full details will need to be taken into account when calculating the premium.
Is mechanical breakdown covered?
If your car has a mechanical breakdown (i.e. clutch failure, broken suspension etc.) and that results in your car being involved in an accident – the damage caused in the impact will be covered but not the failed component. If there is simply a mechanical breakdown with no impact damage, the damaged mechanical part would not be covered under the insurance policy.
My car has been modified, are these modifications covered?
Insurers will only pay for standard parts and paintwork unless specifically agreed and detailed in your quotation and policy documentation.
What happens if I have taken out a policy and my track day is cancelled due to adverse weather or car failure etc?
Please contact us as soon as you are aware that you won’t be able to take part in the track day. Provided the notification arrives with us before any cars go out on your track day we would be able to hold a credit on your account to be used on another similar track day.
Can I take out cover the day before my track day?
It may be possible in some circumstances to purchase insurance cover for your track the following day but we always recommend that you complete your enquiry at least 2-3 days before your event so as there is time to finalise any paperwork and payment queries if they arise.
Can I get a quote for standard road insurance on its own or to include track day insurance?
No, I’m afraid we do not offer any standard road cover, only cover whilst on the track.
Can you provide a Storage and Transit quotation for my track day vehicle?
Yes we can provide a quotation to cover your track day vehicle(s), tools, spares, equipment and trailer whilst at your storage address and the circuit plus whilst being transported to and from the circuit. Please complete the quote request form. The minimum cost is around £280 for a 12 month policy, depending on the sums insured and full details of the risk.